The Arts

We have a varied and almost wholly behind-the-scenes history of supporting individual artists and arts organizations.

Latest contribution ?

The full and ongoing renovation of Bronson Centre Music Theatre.

Current youth dance…. check them out: MOOV

Our contributions to the arts are focussed on concept consolidation, project development, and contract delivery.

Sometimes just stuff, like with BEING Studio.

We commissioned this mural, now mounted inside Bronson Centre main foyer.

jp melville, ottawa, canada, bronson centre, arts culture, being studio

Mural: BEING Studio Professional Artists 2022

A short list of projects in which we been involved include:

Our experience in the arts includes theatre production, play writing, professional choral singing, video production, blog/novel/poetry writing (and business management – an art in itself – surprise surprise).

We publish when possible and… from rare to rare time… blogging (economics) + (international development) + (poems).

For JP’s own small, completed publishing projects, see the My Books page.